Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

As we approach the close of the school year, we would like to remind students, especially Seniors, to continue to maintain your Shark Pride in all actions and behaviors. We want our seniors to only leave with positive experiences; thus, we must insist that all students refrain from any “senior pranks” during the end of this school year. Even though students may think these acts are funny, in most cases it’s accompanied by damage to the school or personal property along with high costs to make repairs. What starts off as something small often ends badly for those involved.  In the past, students involved have been denied participation in senior activities, including the graduation ceremony.  Some of these pranks have even been deemed unlawful and led to students being charged by the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office. Please take a few minutes to speak to your student about making good choices so that he/she can enjoy the final weeks of this school year.