A special thank you to all of the families who were able to pick up schedules today and pay school fees. Shark families can log on to the new ACORN system to create an account and pay school fees with a credit card. This is a convenient and easy way to not only pay school fees but to make purchases throughout the school year. Those who were not able to pick up schedules during Orientation today can log in and pay fees today. Parents can also send a check or cash with students the first week of school to pay fees. We appreciate your support in the payment of fees as these funds support needs throughout the school year.
To activate your Parent Portal Account:
1. Go to https://www.studentquickpay.com/pasco/
2. Select “Activate Account”
3. Enter the email address associated with your myStudent account and select Send Email
4. This will generate an email to you to activate your account
5. Go to your email and select the link
6. Continue by creating your password and activating your account
7. Once this is completed, you will be able to see Fees and Other Items that can be purchased