Cambridge Articulation & Application


Cambridge Programme Cambridge Benefits Articulation & Application Cambridge Media
As Anclote High School prepares to accept students into our Cambridge Programme for 2021-2022, we will be providing information to students and families through various articulation activities. The middle school visits will include presentations to students, while the Parent Nights will provide families the opportunity to learn more about the rigorous, internationally recognized Cambridge Programme. 
Middle School Visits:
Cambridge informational sessions
10/26 Chasco Elementary School
10/27 Gulf Middle School
11/1 River Ridge Middle School
11/2 Seven Springs Middle School
11/5 Paul R Smith Middle School
Cambridge High School course selection takes place in March 2022.
Parent Nights:
Cambridge 9th Grade Parent Night  Thursday, December 2nd 2022  from 6-7pm
Other Important Dates: 
School Choice Information click here


Cambridge June 2022 Series Exams are conducted April – June.
Notifications of dates and times will be sent out to families in March.
Cambridge application:
Application Window:
Application Assistance Night on Tuesday, 1/11 from 5-7pm in the Shark Zone at AHS.
January 6- January 20, 2021
Log on to the following Web site: and select Check Grades. You will be prompted to create an account if you do not have one.
Secondary Notification and Acceptance window
February 23rd -March 4, 2022