Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Attention Class of 2023—it’s senior portrait time! To be included in the yearbook senior year, your portraits must be taken by Gigante Productions. The studio is in Wesley Chapel. You will take both a formal and a personality portrait. Make sure to bring your favorite outfit and any prop(s) you might want to include (e.g., musical instrument, sports uniform/equipment, etc.). Please email Ms. Feyedelem with any questions:

Seniors will also be able to book an appointment at our school on these selected dates: 11/16, 12/6, and 12/8. Sessions at school fill up fast! Book your appointment at the studio this summer to make sure you meet the yearbook deadline. Use the link below to book your appointment now: