Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

The administration at Anclote High School would like to thank the students and staff for their cooperation and support during the Alert Campus and Controlled Dismissal today. Although there was NO weapon found on campus, it is always important for students to share any information which may jeopardize the safety and well being of students and staff. While communication with families is understandably important during situations such as this, more important is focusing on the safety of our students and staff. Below is the transcript of a School Messenger call that went home to families at approximately 1:55. 

Earlier today students alerted Anclote High School administration of a posting on social media indicating a possible weapon on campus. The school was immediately put into an Alert Campus status and the Sheriff’s Department was notified. Deputies responded to the campus in an abundance of caution, as the safety of our students is always a top priority. The student in question was located off campus and is in the custody of the Sheriff’s Department at this time. There will be a controlled dismissal at the end of the day to facilitate students loading the buses this afternoon. I would like to remind students and families that we take posts on social media very seriously and that any posts that can be perceived as a threat to our students will result in disciplinary action. I would like to thank the students for bringing this information to administration and for the quick response of the Anclote High School staff, our SRO and Sheriff’s Department Deputies.