Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

On Tuesday, April 4 District Staff recommended to the Pasco County School Board new start times for several schools, including Anclote High School. Student hours for 2017-18 will be 8:50-3:05 and will coincide with Paul R. Smith Middle School, similar to when AHS opened. We are still reviewing the specific bell schedule, however, this change will result in Parent Teacher Conferences moving to before school, rather than after. While the newspaper reports the change was as a result of offering the Cambridge Programme next year, this is not the entire situation. While it is definitely an advantage for many families to have Paul R. Smith and Anclote to be on the same schedule, the change was also a result of the district adding a new Bus Garage in Odessa. There was a need from the point of transportation to adjust the start times of several schools from a logistics standpoint. With the implementation of Cambridge at both schools, having a similar start time assists in facilitating the satellite bus service for Cambridge students for both schools, rather than having two runs of satellite stops. Additional information on transportation and bus times will be provided to families at the end of the school year, as soon as it becomes available from the Transportation Department.