The first day of school is quickly approaching! As we look forward to the start of another exciting school year there are many events and activities happening around campus. Be sure to come back to our webpage to get the latest information throughout the school year – make it your homepage today!

Athletics: Practices for fall sports start Monday Aug 1st, and it’s not to late too sign up. Please check the schools website under “athletics” for each sport’s contact information. A sports physical and Pasco County/ FHSAA paperwork, which is also located on the schools website, and a $60 fee is required to participate. Fall sports include: boys and girls golf, cheerleading, volleyball, football, and boys and girls cross country.

Class of 2020: All incoming Freshmen are invited to attend an event just for you on Tuesday, August 2nd from 9:00 -12:00 in the Shark Zone. Students will get a head start on getting to know the campus and what it means to be a Shark!

AVID Kick-Off: 9th, 10th and 11th grade AVID students will be participating in a special event on Friday, August 5th from 9:00-12:00.

Orientation Day: Take a tour of the school, pick up course schedules, and pay student fees during Pasco County’s Orientation Day, Tuesday, August 9th from 8:00 – 1:30 in the gym. After paying student fees, students will be able to rent lockers and apply for parking tags. Information on athletics, clubs and extra curricular activities will also be available for students. Schedules will not be available for pick up after this date. Students who are unable to pick up their schedule during this designated time must wait until the first day of school.

Free & Reduced Lunch Applications: Families can apply online at Last year’s meal eligibility status will expire after the first ten days of school. Go online and complete your application today!

Class of 2017: Are you ready for your Senior year? Be sure to stop by the Senior Suite on Orientation Day – a special area just for Seniors! Get information on a ton of senior activities and pick up your schedules in an area created just for the Class of 2017!