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Enjoy your Summer Sharks!
For the summer of 2019, we have decided as an Advanced Placement and Cambridge Team that there will be no formal assignments this summer. We would like you to take this time to rest and rejuvenate to ensure you are prepared for a challenging new year. Please enjoy...
“Oh the Places You Will Go” by Kanyon Sar
Enjoy this presentation by Senior Class President Kanyon Sar. Click the link below ⬇️ https://youtu.be/VPvXQTR80dg
AHS Prom pictures
Students and Parents you can now view and even purchase pictures from Prom thanks to Gigante Productions and AHS would like to thank Gigante Productions for capturing memories that will last a lifetime. Prom Pictures ⬇️...
AHS Senior Scoop 2019!
AHS Graduation Letter
Click the link below for information regarding graduation. AHS graduation Letter 2019
Senior Pranks: Beware!
Pranks can become serious issues, resulting in criminal charges and recommendation for expulsion. These situations also impact participation in graduation. It is important to continue with positive behavior through the end of the year and to celebrate upcoming...